Thursday, February 18, 2010

Surgical Strikes, Terrorists and The Stooges Who Love Them- Egg Plant Caviar, Baba Ghannouj

The Art of the Surgical Strike and Selective Outrage of Liberals
Whose unhappy when you kill terrorists?  The usual suspects, liberals Hamas Commander Murdered In Dubai.  Really less outrage than when a U.S. bomb kills innocent villagers in Iraq or Afghanistan.  But kill a terrorist hiding a luxury hotel in Dubai (whose families bankroll terrorists), we have a diplomatic incident.  Bull Pucky. 
You can't make people who hate you, love you, but you can make them respect you.  Still there are those who believe that love conquers all, which may be true, were it not for human sinfulness.  So what options are left for the moral man?   And so we come to the crucible of our times, Israel, and their quest for survival.   In a hope for peace, some Israelis, said, " let's give Palestinians their own land, it would be where they live and that will give us peace."    So Israel traded land for peace, and didn;t get peace.  Now the are building a wall to keep out terrorist bombers, and they find themselves living behind medieval walls, in a ghetto of their own creation.  Now they must endure the mortar and rocket attacks great and small and it comes from the land they gave up. The land concessions emboldened Hamas, the ruling faction among the Palestinians, and they immediatly attack Isreal.   Hamas, incidentally,  has not rescinded its its pledge to eradicate of the state of Israel.  By the way, they don't hate Jews, only the state of Israel. 
So what is a moral man to do?  If war is to be brought, the Israeli employ essentially the medieval doctrines of the Catholic Church, that of proportionality.  This is essentially "an eye for an eye".  So what does Israel do?  It goes after and kills a commander of Hamas terrorists and everybody cries foul.  
I love the Mossad.  Now let's eat.
Baba Ghannouj, Egg Plant Caviar.  Delicious and Vegetarian. 
large round eggplant 
2 or 3 cloves of garlic
 4 Tbs.tahini- (sesame seed paste)
 4 Tbs lemon juice
salt, red pepper
olive oil
chopped parsley
slices of red bell pepper to garnish
Cook the eggplant in a hot oven or on a fork over the flame of a gas stove. When it is well cooked through and the skin is blackened, douse with cold water, peel and chop into small pieces. Mash two or three cloves of garlic to a paste with about the same volume of salt. Add eggplant, mash to a smooth consistency and blend the tahina and lemon juice to make the Arab version of this dish; omit the tahina for the Turkish version. Serve in a bowl with little olive oil on top and garnish chopped parsley, red pepper slices and a dusting of red pepper. Serve with toasted pita wedges.  Beer or a dry white wine.

 modified from Recipe from "Aramco World" magazine March - April 1988 via

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